Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor: Communication, print design
Communication and public bodies

One museum, plenty of initiatives

The Museum Ladin promotes a raft of events, exhibitions, meetings and shows during the year. This cornucopia of events requires a clear, uniform message as well as a graphic support which does not weaken its message nor creates confusion. Every communication tool must be traceable back to its source and transmit continuity and be recognisable during the events.

Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor: Communication, print design
Modular applications

Our job is to create and develop an overarching graphic communication concept, from posters, ads, and printed material that include returning elements as well as new ones. A modular, graphic concept the public body can manage on its own, even with different interlocutors and suppliers. We put our money where our mouth is.

Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor: Communication, print design
Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor: Communication, print design
Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor: Communication, print design

Bodies, associations, institutions: public communication is another arrow in our quiver.

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